Why Republicans Favor Such Cruel Policies

An empty wallet
The Republican Party has proven itself unworthy of our votes.

I don't understand what it takes to be a Republican politician in the USA. I've voted Republican for many years. I thought they were devoted to upholding the constitution and the law, good fiscal policy, and building a strong economy. But after living through the last 6-1/2 years of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump's terrible policies, I've come to realize the Republican Party only stands for corporate greed and political corruption.

3D Printing May Solve the Housing Crisis


A 3d printed house
How can America solve its growing housing
crisis? The answer may be 3D printed houses.

Everyone agrees the United States has a housing crisis. It's closing in from many directions. The 2020 pandemic increased homelessness. Some cities are overwhelmed with homeless camps because thousands of their residents were evicted from their homes. And that happened while eviction moratoriums were supposedly in force.

While half of Americans can barely pay their rent or mortgage, the other half are doing very well. They are doing so well, they are bidding up the prices of the few houses available for sale.

Even Wealthy People Have Debt So Why Aren't We Richer?

Wealthy people borrow money all the time. So why aren't we all rich?
Since Donald Trump became President people have not forgotten that he is a failure as a business man. In 2016 NPR ran a story explaining how Donald Trump's bad business decisions cost himself almost $1 billion. Investors in his properties lost about $1 billion, too. This is the man that middle America chose to be its next President. Since that time Trump has created the largest annual budget deficit in history, run up the largest national debt ($22 trillion and counting) in history, and he initiated trade wars that have driven many American farmers into debt while raising the cost of goods for American consumers. China doesn't pay the tariffs on imports. We do.

Wouldn't Life Be Easier if We Could Just Base our Decisions on Surveys?

Surveys could make life simpler. Why don't we use them?
There are times when I get so sick and tired of marketers and politicians asking me to participate in polls and surveys.  They are constantly asking for my opinions but my opinions always seem to be in the minority.  What is the point?  Do businesses and politicians really make decisions on the basis of surveys?  That is just the scariest thought.

Why I Think Bernie Sanders is Going to be A Great President

Bernie Sanders for President 2016
If you have not looked into Bernie Sanders' political ideas you should.  Everyone says he is a communist but that is just a big lie.  Ignorant people are upset because he calls himself a democratic socialist.  It's the "socialist" part of that title that worries people.  But Bernie Sanders is not trying to set aside the constitution and launch his own dictatorship.  He just wants people share the cost of living in America a little more fairly.  In other words, he wants to tax the rich to pay for programs that help everyone.

How Much Time Should You Invest in your Part-time Work?

How much time is a part time job worth?
Do you freelance after you get off work?  I know a lot of people who do.  Most of them write blog articles and they get a few cents per word.  That's hard work and it takes a lot of time.  Unless you need the money to pay the bills you should save it up and wait until you need to take time off from your main job before you dip into that money.  I will explain why.

When You Need Help in Making Money

When you need help making money, who gives the best advice?
Dave Ramsey says you should not take financial advice from people who are not wealthy.  I really don't like the guy.  I think he is pretty arrogant.  He also makes money from his radio show and from his books and the people he "helps" are not able to follow in his footsteps.  I don't say he hasn't taught anyone how to save money and pay off the bills.  But his basic advice is pretty basic and a lot of people say the same thing or similar.

What Would You Do for a Second Career?

Ready for a new career? What do you want to do?
My great-grandfather was a bricklayer.  While not a glamorous job he was able to work that way for all his life.  He supported a family and sent his sons to college.  He never regretted the hard work he did and the family was very proud of him.

How to Use Deferred Shopping to Save Time

Use deferred shopping (home delivery) to save time.
Most modern retailers now have full-service Websites where you can browse their inventories and make online purchases for free in-store pickup.  Sometimes you can arrange for home delivery at an extra charge.

Money Ideas for the Month of August

The month of August is rather special because it is not only the hottest month in the year it is also one of only two month names chosen to honor a Roman leader.  According to the DailyZilla Website, August was the name Augustus Caesar chose to honor himself as the first Roman Imperator.  The guy was kind of a power-mad nut in my opinion.

What are the Benefits of Washing Your Car?

Is there a benefit to washing a car?
I paid $18 for a car wash earlier today and I almost immediately regretted.  I want my car to be clean and I don't mind paying for a wash every now and then.  But as I was sitting there in my car, going through the automated car wash, it occurred to me that I could be getting a workout if I washed the car myself.

We Need a President Who Thinks about the Middle Class

The middle class in America is suffering from extremism in politics.
President Obama has done some good things for the poor people of America but he has not done enough for the middle class.  It is the middle class that pays most in taxes to the Federal government.  It is the middle class that contributes the most to the consumer economy.  Unfortunately, the middle class has suffered terribly under Obama's administration.