Keep Your Money Where You Cannot Find It

I spent me savings again and now I am without a Rand to my name until I get paid again.  I don't know why I do that.  I swear to myself every time I do this I will set aside my savings and not spend it.  And then some chommie calls me and says, "Let's do the jol this evening" and then I'm like "I'll make a plan".

Well, that is the trouble then.  I spend my money and I'm all babbelas the next morning.  What to do except suffer from it?

Money is the one distaste in life that keeps us working.  We always need it and when we don't have it we hate it.  It's a hang of a problem to have no money when you need it.

So I need to make a plan for myself.  I need to save some money.  I mean really save it.  Like put it where I cannot get to it.  It's almost "throw it overboard" time.

But then your china rocks up and you need a few Rand.  You can't just turn them out.

My mum once said if you want to hide money from yourself put it overseas.  It's a grief to get over there just to save it.  How do you do that?  I think the Internet must be the answer.

But if I can store my money in a foreign bank from the net then I must be able to retrieve it just as easily.  So you cannot get rid of it before you spend it no matter how you try.